Soon after we began working on our goal, I was reading the First Presidency Message in the February 2014 Ensign, Serve the Lord With Love, by President Thomas S. Monson.
I was especially inspired by the section for children at the end of the article: "Links of Love," which suggests performing acts of service to show love for others, then writing them down on paper strips and connecting them together to form a chain. I thought this idea tied in well with the Christlike attribute we were working on developing. I shared this with my daughter, and we decided it would be a great way to apply what we were learning about charity from the scriptures and the words of living apostles and prophets. It would also serve as a visual reminder for us to continue prayerfully working on developing charity each day. We presented our plan to the entire family and invited them to join us.
During family meal times over the next several weeks, we shared and discussed our experiences sharing Christ's love, as well as ways we noticed others sharing Christ's love. We joined paper strips together to represent the experiences we were having. It was fun to watch our "Links of Love" paper chain grow as the days and weeks went by.
It is often through small and seemingly insignificant acts of charity that hearts are touched and lives are blessed. It has been a blessing to our family to experience more fully the truth that "charity is the pure love of Christ" (Moroni 7:47).