Thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts regarding the book Daughters In My Kingdom. Some time ago I was invited to share some thoughts in a Sunday Relief Society meeting. At that time I felt the prompting to challenge the sisters to each read the book and I promised them that I would read as well. At first I expected to just read it as I have read many books, cover to cover as fast as I can. However, not many pages into it I discovered that this was a special book. Not only does it provide a detailed history of the organization but it contains tremendous spiritual insight in living gospel principles. I soon realized that I would need to slow down and consider more fully the principles being taught. The book is rich in experiences that teach values that are important to both men and women. I have gained a more clear understanding of my responsibilities as a Latter Day Saint as taught in James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." This is the true significance and legacy of Relief Society, cultivating in the hearts of the sisters the true spirit of love as taught by the Savior. Now that I have finished the initial reading I look forward to revisiting it often and recommend it as a "standard works" to all. Women who read it will understand their Divine Nature more fully and men who read it will gain a greater appreciation and respect for women and the role of Relief Society.
Bishop David Baird
Bishop David Baird
Badger Mountain Ward