Monday, October 7, 2013

Rich In Values For Men and Women

Thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts regarding the book Daughters In My Kingdom. Some time ago I was invited to share some thoughts in a Sunday Relief Society meeting. At that time I felt the prompting to challenge the sisters to each read the book and I promised them that I would read as well. At first I expected to just read it as I have read many books, cover to cover as fast as I can. However, not many pages into it I discovered that this was a special book. Not only does it provide a detailed history of the organization but it contains tremendous spiritual insight in living gospel principles. I soon realized that I would need to slow down and consider more fully the principles being taught. The book is rich in experiences that teach values that are important to both men and women. I have gained a more clear understanding of my responsibilities as a Latter Day Saint as taught in James 1:27  "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." This is the true significance and legacy of Relief Society, cultivating in the hearts of the sisters the true spirit of love as taught by the Savior. Now that I have finished the initial reading I look forward to revisiting it often and recommend it as a "standard works" to all. Women who read it will understand their Divine Nature more fully and men who read it will gain a greater appreciation and respect for women and the role of Relief Society.

Bishop David Baird
Badger Mountain Ward

Friday, September 27, 2013

Putting Family First

After reading the chapter about taking care of our homes and families, I recommitted to putting my family first and having faith that the Lord would bless me to be able to fulfill all my other responsibilities.  I have had many people step in and lighten my load on my other responsibilities.  I feel closer to my husband and children and a peace in my home.

Connie Jacob

Kennewick Park

To Love Everyone

I have had wonderful experiences, one in particular is wanting to truly be a daughter in His kingdom by doing as the Savior did.  I want to serve my family and my sisters in relief society and those around me.  I love everyone and I want them to feel and know it.

Pamela Vergara
Kennewick Park 

I Now Have Direction

I have strived to make “Thy will be done” the mantra of my life. My mind knows the reasoning, my penitent soul accepts the circumstances. Many times the cross I am called to bare seemed enormous. Some days the “why me and why not” are endless.  But the prayers at the end of the day would eventually become humble and subdued.  Accepting my “cross” has been the struggle for years especially when I so badly love perfection and want to soar.  I wondered with faith where the Lord is taking me on this journey.  Many times great glimpses of hope and miracles have sustained me. Where shall I go?  What shall I do has been my companion these last few years.  I have read, pondered and prayed to know where and how to direct my life.  A strong pull has been my feeling of lately. A natural thing, that I have known and felt all of my life but was shown as the direction I should take in a recent Sacrament meeting I attended.  I was genuinely excited to have direction. 
As I was reading “Daughters in My Kingdom” the feelings of purpose began to take form and confirm the revelation I received.  The examples of those that have walked before made me feel that I too have a purpose for my life. Being an active vital part of God’s Kingdom seemed to be a theme that I found throughout my reading. Day by day I am beginning to see and understand more of the Lord’s eternal plan for me.  My role is to move forward with faith in the direction that he has provided.
A couple of favorite quotes from Daughters in My Kingdom:
“We know the Lord has laid high responsibly upon us, and there is not a wish or desire that the Lord has implanted in our hearts in righteousness but will not be realized, and the greatest good we can do to ourselves and each other is to refine and cultivate ourselves in everything that is good and ennobling to qualify us for those responsibilities.”  Eliza R. Snow Chapter 4
“Joseph Smith taught Relief Society sisters of their nobility as daughters of God, helping them understand that God loved them and had grand purposes for them to fulfill.”

. . ."they have been faithful and courageous in the face of difficult challenges. They have found purpose in their lives. . . As Esther. . . “Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Now I that have direction, I will be working on courage and patience as the Lord continues to unfold this vision before me.

Name Withheld By Request

The Sacred Calling Of Motherhood

I am grateful for the challenge to read “Daughters in My Kingdom”.  I serve in Young Women’s Organization and I probably wouldn’t have read this book any time in the near future without this challenge.  What a wonderful book!  It is always nice to be reminded of the importance of the work that we are doing as mothers and women in the church.  It is also nice to be reminded of how blessed we are and how much others have had to sacrifice for the gospel in the past.
I am going to put this quote by David O. McKay up on my wall, “Motherhood is near to divinity.  It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind.  It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels.  To you mothers in Israel we say God bless and protect you, and give you the strength and courage, the faith and knowledge, the holy love and consecration to duty, that shall enable you to fill the fullest measure the sacred calling which is yours.”  (page 158)
Tami Smith  Rancho Reata Ward

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We Can Follow Their Examples

I was so excited for the challenge to re-read the "Daughters in My Kingdom" book. The first time, I read it quickly in preparation for a lesson. The spirit of the book is powerful and very uplifting. It is a treasure. It is full of spiritual thoughts, amazing stories and quotes that can be easily found through-out the book.
In reading it this time, I was able to take it a little slower and enjoy the powerful stories of sisters all over the world and how they live and love relief society.  I was inspired again and again to try to follow their examples of service and charity.  I love knowing that the relief society is a worldwide organization.  
Also, I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the lives of the faithful General Relief Society Presidents that have served in the Church since the Relief Society was formed. They each sacrificed much and served well.  I instantly loved Louise Y. Robinson, the 7th Relief Society President.  She was a very willing servant but very humble in circumstance and very humble about her abilities to serve as the Relief Society General President.  She told President Grant that "she was afraid she wouldn't be the example that the women of the Relief Society would expect in a leader." President Grant told her "Sister Louizy, 85% of the women of our Church are humble women.  We are calling you to be the leader of them." (pg. 71) 
I also was really touched by what Eliza R. Snow said about what is ultimately important.  She said that "there are many of the sisters whose labors are not known beyond their own dwellings and perhaps not appreciated there, but what difference does that make?  If your labors are acceptable to God, however simple the duties, if faithfully performed, you should never be discouraged." (pg. 177)
I am grateful for the example of these sisters.  We can follow their examples in accepting callings and also feel good about all the work we do in our homes.  As stated in the "Proclamation to the World", families are central to our Heavenly Fathers plan.  We can feel good about raising our families in righteousness and in building our relationships with our husbands. 
This is a spiritually uplifting book.  I hope each sister will read it and treasure it as I do.

Becky Heath, Rancho Reata Ward

Something Extraordinary

For months, after Sister Beck announced that a history of Relief Society was being written and made available to each of us, I looked forward in anticipation to reading it. It was difficult to restrain myself from requesting an early copy from my bishop when I learned from LDS Distribution that there was a box full of them sitting in his home ready for distributing the following Sunday. Needless to say, I readily accepted this gift from the Lord and began to read it cover to cover. I then began a study of each chapter. Coupled with my scriptures and prayer, Daughters in My Kingdom became a source of light and direction in my life. I was reminded of who I am, and who the Lord wants me to become. Initially, when speaking about this book, the title tripped me up until I recognized the significance of the 2 letter word "in." It was more natural for me to say, Daughters "of" My Kingdom. I learned that if I wanted to become a daughter "in" His kingdom, I needed to pattern my life after the women I was reading about and align myself with the principles that past and present prophets and general Relief Society leaders taught.

As I began to recognize and follow these patterns and principles, I experienced more spiritual power in my life. I felt a greater power to fight temptation, a greater power to obey, a greater power to love, a greater power to expand my circle of influence, and a greater power to share the gospel, especially my love for the Relief Society. It isn't difficult to give non members a copy of Daughters in My Kingdom and share with them the wonderful organization that I am a member of. Who would not want to be interested in an organization that strengthens a woman's faith in Jesus Christ, strengthens her family, and provides relief to others? We know that there are women out there who are searching for this in their lives.

Now, as a newly called ward Relief Society President, I feel prepared to organize the work of Relief Society in my ward with confidence. In my calling, I use this beautiful book everyday as a resource to teach, to uplift, to counsel, and to align my service with the Savior. I carry my worn, marked up Daughters in My Kingdom with me everywhere I go, knowing that I will use it. There have been a couple of times I have lost it, and I frantically looked for it because I have recorded impressions and personal revelation in the margins. It has become, and continues to be, a conduit of instruction from the Lord for me.

From not only studying Daughters in My Kingdom often, but applying what I learn from studying it, I understand more fully the purposes of Relief Society and what the Lord expects of me. I know that as we align ourselves with the purposes of Relief Society, together, as Relief Society sisters in the Kennewick Stake, we will move the Lord's kingdom forward in this area of His vineyard and do "something extraordinary."

Denise Benham, Kennewick Park Ward

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Wisdom Of My Ward Sisters

Hello Stake Relief Society,
 Today as I finished the reading challenge of, “Daughters in My Kingdom”, one realization that came to my mind the most is the first calling that the Lord gave me once I started college.  My Mother had passed away a couple months after starting school and one of the big losses that I felt personally was the absence of a Mother teaching me all the skills, knowledge, and all else that a future Mother would need to know.  I was called to teach Relief Society lessons during Relief Society once a month about those kinds of things that I would need to learn from my Mother.
 All these years of belonging to Relief Society has been such a huge blessing to me with the personal loss of a Mother.  The Lord takes away and He gives.  I’ve had such help where ever I’ve lived in attending the meetings held for Relief Society and reading from the materials provided. 
 I feel profound gratitude for the inspired direction of the leaders throughout time and to benefit from sharing/learning of the sisters all around me.  We all truly have a readymade ward sisterhood that ranges in age from young to old; giving us all strength because of it. So many of my prayers, thoughts or concerns have been answered through the wisdom of my ward sisters.

Connie Robanske
Windsong Ward

A New Perspective

My name is Adrienne Haws.  Last August I was having a very difficult time.  I had five children with whooping cough, and I was expecting my sixth baby at any time.  I was feeling weary and unprepared to bring a new life.  As I was praying and pondering, I decided to read Daughters In My Kingdom.  I felt that perhaps I could glean some support from stories of other sisters.  I was right.
As I read Chapter 3, I came across the story of Eliza Partridge Lyman, who gave birth to a baby in a wagon on the plains in the heat of July.  Later that winter, her baby died.  I drew strength and courage from her story.  I could certainly shoulder this burden of mine, which suddenly seemed bearable.  I was so grateful for this new perspective, and I prayed and cried with gratitude.  My baby was born almost 2 weeks late, which was a blessing, and a month later all my children were well.  It was still a very difficult time, but I felt the love and encouragement of my sisters, here now, and those who had gone before.  
What a great resource this is!

Adrienne Haws
Meadow Springs Ward

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Worldwide Circle Of Sisterhood

I am an avid reader and love historical stories, especially church history.  When Daughters in My Kingdom first came out I read it front to cover, thought - those are inspiring stories - and put the book up on the book shelf. 
When our challenge came to use it in our regular study, I had to find it on the bookshelf and pulled it down.  Then we went to the Relief Society training, with General Relief Society President, Sis. Burton, who modeled how to use this book as she trained us.  One of her comments really hit home with me - that this book is not only for us in the United States to strengthen our testimonies, but it is for all the sisters around the world who live in societies or cultures were they are considered second class citizens or even property.  One of the purposes of this book is to teach those sisters and brethren, in those lands, the value and sacredness of womanhood and how the Priesthood and Relief Society work together for the saving of souls.
As I started the challenge to read the book again, I determined to look at it from this perspective - the emancipation of women.  Imagine my surprise in Chapter 6 - A Worldwide Circle of Sisterhood - where those thoughts were actually discussed.  Sis. Spafford reflected on the pioneer Relief Society leaders "standing as we do at the head of the women of the world,... for the rights of the women of Zion and the rights of the women of all nations."  
Reflecting on this has made me more aware and grateful for the freedoms and respect I have both as a sister in the gospel and a citizen of this great nation.           -  Anne Koepsell,  Windsong Ward

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

You Will Be Blessed

It appears that as the secretary of the Stake Relief Society I need to add to this blog.
This is difficult for me in a number of ways:
1. When I got my first copy of Daughters In My Kingdom, I really thought "nice history of Relief Society, I will have to read this some time". Well after a few months of it sitting around, I threw it away. Are you gasping in shock that I would do such a thing? Well I did. I was in primary and really hadn't heard much about the book so I wasn't too worried. I am a major de-junker and if it hasn't been used, then give it away or throw it away.
2. Well then, I am called as the Stake Relief Society Secretary. Now I find out that this is a "powerful" book that we should all be reading and we need to start reading our copies. Oops, I don't have a copy. I was totally humiliated to have to tell the Stake RS Presidency what I had done. It took me weeks to get up the nerve. But if you know these ladies, they just brushed it off and gave me one of their extra copies. Gotta love these women.
3. Then the challenge came up and I decided I needed to read this book. I was home sick and decided "what a great time to read Daughters in My Kingdom." I had been hearing so much about all the spiritual experiences and the powerful promptings that women in the stake were getting by reading this book. Wow I was so excited.  So, I read away.
4. Well, I must admit I had no lightning strikes or even mild promptings that I noticed. It was a lovely book that really told how we are connected to the priesthood and the history of the Women that have helped to make the Relief Society a wonderful work of the Lord. I had heard most of this history and information over the years.  It was nice but not earth shattering for me.
So here I am trying to make sense of all of this and pondering what did the Lord really want me to learn from this book. Here are some of the things I did learn:
1. It is OK to do what the Lord asks you to do, even if it is just reading a RS history book that you really don't want to. You will be blessed by doing so.
2. A reaffirmation that I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me and expects much from me.
3. We are a part of the Priesthood power on earth.
4. We whine way too much. Women in our RS history walked or traveled miles, even in dangerous territory so that they could visit teach. They had to make their own bread and hand wash all their clothes, no microwaves, no electricity, etc. We make all kinds of ridiculous excuses not to go.
5. Never to suppress a kind thought. That really stood out to me. I am now trying to do this.
6. Most of all I learned that I don't have to have earth shaking testimony builders in my life. I can trust others and learn from their testimonies of this inspired book and their spiritual experiences will help me to grow as well.
- LaRae Claybrook, Rancho Reata Ward

Faith Will Turn To Knowledge

As I started reading Daughters In My Kingdom again, I was reminded and reassured that these pioneer women had gone thru the same experiences that I have. The issues of women are timeless and we can feel we are not alone. We can see how these women have dealt with their trials and learn to follow their examples. My love for my fellow sisters has grown as I read this inspired book. And I have been strengthened in my testimony that the Lord has given me gifts and talents and if I allow Him to use me, I will be able to see miracles happen and my faith will be turned to knowledge.

Melanie Crane

Windsong Ward

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Who I Am Today

Dear Sisters,
Along with the women and Laurels in our ward, men in our ward have also been encouraged to read Daughters in My Kingdom.  With so many people in our house having the same reading goal we felt it would also benefit our young boys.  Reading Daughters in My Kingdom could help shape their views about the true role of a woman and increase their respect towards all women, providing a counter balance to the voices of the world.

To incorporate our reading goals, our family began reading Daughters in My Kingdom as part of our family scripture study.  Each morning at 6am we gather around our dining room table and take turns reading from the book.  Currently, we are in the middle of chapter 7.
I have enjoyed reading Daughters in My Kingdom.  I find that I regularly take my membership in Relief Society for granted.  Reading this book has caused me to reflect on the impact that my membership in Relief Society has had in my life and ask myself, "Am I upholding the great tradition of Charity through the Relief Society that has endured since it's inception, or am I treating Relief Society as just the name of a class I attend on Sunday?"

Relief Society has touched all aspects of my life.  Relief Society sisters are the women who rejoice when I have born children, and have taken care of my family when illness struck.  Relief Society sisters are the women who I trust to instruct my children in primary and young women's.  Relief Society sisters are the women who I partner with to teach my children in a co-op preschool.    Relief Society sisters are the women who I carpool with, exercise with, double date with, and call on for a last minute babysitter.
Relief Society sisters are the women who uplift me every Sunday as they share their testimonies of the Gospel and of the Savior in sacrament meetings and during class times.  Hearing them talk about what is most precious and prized to them creates a bond with them that lasts for a lifetime and survives changes in wards and even states. 
 Relief Society sisters are the women who have taught me how to be a better person.  I will never forget the sister who taught me through her example how to fulfill my nursery calling, which skills transferred over to benefit my own young children.  Nor will I forget the Relief Society sisters who suffered with me as I struggled to fulfill my Relief Society pianist calling, and hugged me after a particularly trying hymn.  I certainly won't forget the sister who taught me how to make and can homemade sauerkraut. But especially, I won't forget the sisters who taught me through their examples how to love unconditionally, as they nurtured handicapped children, rebellious teenagers, aging parents, and wayward husbands. 

I love the Relief Society motto, Charity Never Faileth, and I love President George Albert Smith's counsel to Sister Spafford.  "Do you always thinks in terms of what you get?  Don't you think also in terms of what you have to give?  Continue your membership in these councils and make your influence felt." 

Thinking back, I've gotten so much from my membership in Relief Society and it has shaped who I am today, and for that I am thankful.  But even if I don't get another thing from Relief Society, my actions will be, what can I give and how can I make my influence felt.  I want to be part of the great tradition and history of Relief Society.
Sister Cicotte
Willowbrook Ward

Monday, September 9, 2013

My Daughters - by Karri Stoker

For a couple of weeks I had been thinking about the value of books or stories from classical literature and wanting to expose my daughters to more of this.  I also had a great desire to read to them about women in particular--women in history that they could pattern their lives after.  The scriptures contain a few accounts of great women and there are other historical female characters like Joan of Arc that are inspiring but my daughters are familiar with most of these so I continued to ponder on other possible resources.  Then the book Daughters In My Kingdom came to mind and I felt the whisperings of the Holy Spirit tell me that this was the book I was I seeking; that my daughters would benefit from reading the book and patterning their lives after the great women discussed in its pages. 
I related this experience in Relief Society and Sisters Kessie's challenge to read Daughters In My Kingdom was discussed.  There was a wonderful confirming spirit in the room and it seemed to me that the Spirit testified to our hearts that this book is powerful and is to be read and studied for our benefit.
Then I started to read and study and ponder.  One morning at the beginning of my study I had the strong impression that the real value to my daughters (and I have 5 of them) would be in MY OWN reading and patterning MY OWN life after these women.  So my focus has turned more inward and personal while discussion about what I am reading has involved the whole family.

Friday, September 6, 2013

A Spiritual Journey

When the recent challenge to read Daughters in My Kingdom was issued to all the sisters and Laurels in the Kennewick Stake, a strong desire was kindled in my heart to deeply ponder and study the book from beginning to end. I decided that for me to do this in an effective and focused way, I would read with a pencil and a highlighter in hand. As I read the book, I wrote notes in the margins when I made a spiritual connection or recalled an example of how Relief Society has blessed my life. I underlined and highlighted meaningful passages and shared some of them with my family, friends, and visiting teaching sisters. I also wrote in my journal about the wonderful spiritual experiences I was having while reading the book.

One of my favorite quotes from the book is found on page 99, and it is about the promised blessings to sisters who serve in Relief Society: “Your every need shall be fulfilled, now, and in the eternities; every neglect will be erased; every abuse will be corrected. All of this can come to you, and come quickly, when you devote yourself to Relief Society. Service in the Relief Society magnifies and sanctifies each individual sister. Your membership in Relief Society should be ever with you. When you devote yourself to the Relief Society and organize it and operate it and participate in it, you sustain the cause that will bless every woman who comes within its influence” (Boyd K. Packer).

Reading this book often brought tears of joy and gratitude as I reflected on the blessings of Relief Society in my life, and the great heritage of faith that has been established through this inspired organization for women. Reading Daughters in My Kingdom was a very spiritual journey for me. I realized more than ever what great sacrifices have been made by women disciples of Christ throughout history, and I gained a deep appreciation and love for them. My challenges and trials are different than the ones they had, but their faith and courage through challenges and trials inspires me to press forward with faith and courage. They did hard things, and so can I!

Lori Bowers
Willowbrook Ward

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Windsong Ward Primary Children

At the beginning of the year the Primary children were given a challenge to read the scriptures, do missionary work and to learn an article of faith. A poster with the image of a gumball machine and stickers was used to track the children's progress. Each week those who had participated were able to place a sticker on the poster. Once the poster was filled up, we had a gumball party activity for the children. 
 When the challenge came to the Relief Society sisters to read  "Daughters in My Kingdom" we thought it would be fun for the sisters in Primary to have a motivation to meet the challenge. We made a poster of a big flower with each petal representing a day of reading using the bookmark reading guide we were given from the Stake Relief Society. Each Sunday we have the sisters place a sticker on the petals that they have read. Sometimes the teachers will send the children up to place the stickers. There is great excitement as they ask their teacher if they have read. This turns into a discussion to determine if their mom is reading the book, and if they have read their scriptures, etc. It's been super fun to see these children encourage the teachers and to be so excited about it. Some mothers are now reading the book to their children while others in searching for their book to read, have found their child reading on their own! It is easy not to feel a part of Relief Society when you are serving in Primary. This little activity has definitely helped our sisters in Primary feel connected and a part of that sisterhood that we all love.