Monday, September 9, 2013

My Daughters - by Karri Stoker

For a couple of weeks I had been thinking about the value of books or stories from classical literature and wanting to expose my daughters to more of this.  I also had a great desire to read to them about women in particular--women in history that they could pattern their lives after.  The scriptures contain a few accounts of great women and there are other historical female characters like Joan of Arc that are inspiring but my daughters are familiar with most of these so I continued to ponder on other possible resources.  Then the book Daughters In My Kingdom came to mind and I felt the whisperings of the Holy Spirit tell me that this was the book I was I seeking; that my daughters would benefit from reading the book and patterning their lives after the great women discussed in its pages. 
I related this experience in Relief Society and Sisters Kessie's challenge to read Daughters In My Kingdom was discussed.  There was a wonderful confirming spirit in the room and it seemed to me that the Spirit testified to our hearts that this book is powerful and is to be read and studied for our benefit.
Then I started to read and study and ponder.  One morning at the beginning of my study I had the strong impression that the real value to my daughters (and I have 5 of them) would be in MY OWN reading and patterning MY OWN life after these women.  So my focus has turned more inward and personal while discussion about what I am reading has involved the whole family.