I am grateful for the challenge to read “Daughters in My Kingdom”. I serve in Young Women’s Organization and I probably wouldn’t have read this book any time in the near future without this challenge. What a wonderful book! It is always nice to be reminded of the importance of the work that we are doing as mothers and women in the church. It is also nice to be reminded of how blessed we are and how much others have had to sacrifice for the gospel in the past.
I am going to put this quote by David O. McKay up on my wall, “Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels. To you mothers in Israel we say God bless and protect you, and give you the strength and courage, the faith and knowledge, the holy love and consecration to duty, that shall enable you to fill the fullest measure the sacred calling which is yours.” (page 158)
Tami Smith Rancho Reata Ward