Saturday, September 21, 2013

A New Perspective

My name is Adrienne Haws.  Last August I was having a very difficult time.  I had five children with whooping cough, and I was expecting my sixth baby at any time.  I was feeling weary and unprepared to bring a new life.  As I was praying and pondering, I decided to read Daughters In My Kingdom.  I felt that perhaps I could glean some support from stories of other sisters.  I was right.
As I read Chapter 3, I came across the story of Eliza Partridge Lyman, who gave birth to a baby in a wagon on the plains in the heat of July.  Later that winter, her baby died.  I drew strength and courage from her story.  I could certainly shoulder this burden of mine, which suddenly seemed bearable.  I was so grateful for this new perspective, and I prayed and cried with gratitude.  My baby was born almost 2 weeks late, which was a blessing, and a month later all my children were well.  It was still a very difficult time, but I felt the love and encouragement of my sisters, here now, and those who had gone before.  
What a great resource this is!

Adrienne Haws
Meadow Springs Ward